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Choose password you'll remember. It must be 10 or more characters and include upper and lower case letters, plus at least one number and special character
Type your password again, just to make sure!

Enter your code if you have been given one.

Whilst optional, we recommend selecting this so we can help you to get the best use of our content.
By ticking this box you confirm that you have read, understood and agree to be bound by our terms & conditions, as well as our use of cookies and your data as set out in our privacy policy.
  1. I confirm I am a client or staff member of Concern Group  - Your "Supporting Team".
  2. The online services you are about to access ("Services") include questionnaires and other interactive materials where you may provide information about yourself. All information you provide is held securely and confidentially by Five Areas Limited in accordance with the Data Protection Act and our privacy policy. You have been provided with the log in details to access and use these Services by the Supporting Team you are working with. Your Supporting Team is required to monitor the outcomes of the Services. You agree that your Supporting Team will be entitled to access the information you provide in using the Services for this purpose and in relation to their work with you.
  3. We are aware of the National Data Opt-out Policy relating to use of NHS patient information in England and Wales for improving health, care and services including:
    • Planning to improve health and care services; and
    • Research to find a cure for serious illnesses.

We do not undertake these activities as a Controller. In the event we are asked to undertake these activities as a Processor on behalf of an English or Welsh NHS organisation, we comply with the National Data Opt-out. If you are a patient of the health care system in England or Wales and want to stop your confidential patient information being used for research and planning you can find more information here: If you wish, please request your opt-out via your Supporting Team who can instruct us directly on what is required.

Please make note of the e-mail address you have used to register. You'll use this information to sign in next time you use the site. You can request a new password if you forget it.